High heels really DO make you look good, say scientists (and here's why)


Scientists at the University of Portsmouth found that women wearing heels were rated as more attractive than when wearing flat shoes

The millions of women who will be squeezing their feet into uncomfortable high heels this New Year's Eve can rest assured that the pain will be worth it - because the shoes really do make you look better.
Researchers have found that heels can 'emphasise femininity' and change the way the entire body moves, including the pelvis, hips, legs, knees, feet and even the shoulders.
Scientists at the University of Portsmouth found that women wearing heels were rated as more attractive than when wearing flat shoes, even when those making the judgement are unable to see faces or bodies.

Researchers have found that heels can 'emphasise femininity' and change the way the entire body moves

The study appears in the scientific journal Evolution and Human Behavior.
Researchers wrote that 'evolution may partly explain the continuing popularity of high heels as an article of the female wardrobe.
'If wearing high heels emphasises some sex-specific aspects of the female form they may make women more attractive, and one motivation, which may be conscious or unconscious, for wearing heels is that it is part of mate selection', The Independent on Sunday reports.

Victoria Beckham has long been extolling the benefits of wearing heels and is rarely seen without them

As part of the research women were filmed walking for four minutes wearing identical flat shoes and 6cm heels.
All women who took part in research had an average of around 10 pairs of heels, which they wore at least once a week.
To ensure the women were rated on how attractive they were purely based on their high heels researchers used a technique called point-light display which highlights points of the body with lit markers.
It means the judges would see only the patterns of these lights as the woman walks.

Screen siren Marilyn Monroe, who apparently used to cut one heel to be half an inch shorter than the other to emphasise her 'wiggle' said 'I don't know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot'

Men and women viewed 30-second video clips of the walkers in high heels and flat shoes moving towards them and rated them on femininity and attractiveness.
In each case the women were rated as more attractive in heels.

source: dailymail


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