The average female Mac user is 'pretty cute but awkwardly dressed,' company claims after compiling data from 1.1million Facebook profiles


Casual: BlueStacks claim most female Mac users like to dress down - preferring a t-shirt and jeans to a skirt and blouse

A tech start-up claims that the average female Mac user is 'pretty cute, but awkwardly dressed' after compiling data from 1.1million Facebook profiles.
BlueStacks, which produces software that allows Mac users to run Android apps, claims it has cobbled together an approximate picture of women who own Apple computers.
Mostly they dress down - preferring jeans, a t-shirt and tennis shoes. Only nine percent tend to wear skirts and eight percent prefer dress shoes, Bluestacks says.

Average: Most female Mac users have long hair and use newer versions of the Apple OS X operating system

'It turns out the average Mac user is pretty cute, if awkwardly dressed,' BlueStacks' head of marketing John Gargiulo said.
BlueStacks compiled data from hundreds of thousands of female Mac users after reviewing the Facebook profiles of its 1.1million Facebook fans.

The data pool produced a few surprising conclusions about Miss Mac 2012.
About 17 percent of female Mac users have an 'unusually large head'
52 percent have freckles and 43 percent wear glasses
two percent have blue hair, four percent are redheads
32 percent live in North America, 23 percent live in Asia, 19 percent are European and 14 percent live in Africa
52 percent are younger than 20
However, one Ph.D. data analyst seemed to be most surprised by the prevalence of a seemingly standard piece of women's wear.

source: dailymail


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