Kaleidoscope of colour as artists transform models at international body painting festival in South Korea


Models are invited to use materials and accessories that compliment their overall appearance

No, you're not looking at the next casting for the Avatar sequel.
These are the colourful women taking part in the International Body Painting Festival in Daegu, South Korea, today.
Throughout the weekend, intricate designs are being carefully applied to model's bodies to create walking works of art. But these aren't for sale.

Exotic feathers in the brightest colours imaginable are key to this model's appearance

Bodies are painted with many different materials and techniques, and often combined with the jaw-dropping costumes and show effects.
Entrants are invited to enter three competitions, including most photogenic model, best body-paint, and best fantasy makeup.
Hundreds of artists from all over the world compete in the competition, which has been held in Colon Field Concert Hall, in Duryu Park, Daegu, since 2008.
Visitors to the festival can buy their own painting supplies and make up should they wish to have a go at home.

Hours are spent making up each model before she presents herself to the judges

Hot and cold: The carefully thought out colour themes give off distinct impressions to the onlooker

Rawr: A big cat appears to leaing out of this blue woman's chest while a face surrounded by feathers sits as a hat on her head

To convert even more people to the ways of body-painting, festival-goers are invited to get a free face paint that is likely to be an improvement on any childhood efforts.
Visitors are also encouraged to experiment with nail art and even have a go at body-painting themselves.
At the end of each evening,there are performances from some of Asia's best musical acts and fireworks to compliment the body-painting.

source: dailymail


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