Britain's thinnest waist: Student Nerina Orton's waist measures a tiny 15.7inches after wearing a corset for 23 hours every day


The blonde student, pictured at home, only ever takes her corsets off to have a shower

Super slim student Nerina Orton has got the UK's tiniest waist of 15.7 inches, after spending 23 hours a day in a corset.
The 22-year-old is less than an inch away from breaking the world record of 15 inches held by American Cathie Jung.
Nerina, from Birmingham, even sleeps in her corset and takes it off only to shower.

Nerina Orton has the UK's tiniest waist of 15.7 inches and spends 23 hours a day in a corset

The part time burlesque dancer, who started wearing a corset at age 14, is training her waist to squeeze into one measuring 14 inches.
Nerina, who owns an incredible 78 corsets valued at £15,000, said: 'I may never be able to fit into a 14 inch corset but I love wearing them and I would never be without one.
'I’ve managed to take six inches off my waist, but I know that each inch after that can take up to a year to achieve.

Nerina, from Birmingham, was just 14-years-old when she wore her first ever corset

'Wearing a corset makes me feel so feminine and it's a great way for a skinny girl to get some hips.'
As well as eating six small meals a day so she doesn't get bloated, Nerina has x-rays twice a year to make sure her body is coping with the corset.
Nerina, whose waist measures 22 ins without a corset, said: 'When I first started wearing a corset, I would be in agony for days. It hurt like hell and I would end up with scabs on my hips where the corset rubbed.

The student is less than one inch away from breaking the world record of 15 inches held by American Cathie Jung

'Sleeping in the corset was uncomfortable at first. I felt like I had a rod lined up against my back and I couldn't curl up into a ball. Then I had a corset custom made, which was a lot more comfortable and fit my shape better.
'My ribs have moved closer together, so the doctor checks my spine to make sure it hasn't moved out of line or fractured.
'My insides move around a lot too, so the doctor checks that my organs aren't being damaged. I've never had a problem though, apart from feeling a little light-headed.'
But boyfriend of one year Cai Lansdown, who lives with Nerina, worries that she is doing lasting damage to her body.

The 22-year-old who owns an incredible 78 corsets valued at £15,000, said: 'I love wearing them and I would never be without one.'

She said: 'He’s always loosening my corset and saying that if I’m not careful, I’ll cut my liver in half one day.
'But that’s just a myth the Victorians made up.
'There’s no proof that corsets affect your health, so I don’t see why I should stop wearing them.'
Nerina, who is 5 ft 4 ins, first tried on a corset after her mum Gini Greer bought her one as a present when she was 14.

source: dailymail


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